There’s no escape from leaky gut – it will affect each of us in some degree at some point in our lives. People with an MTHFR mutation or methylation issues are more likely to experience leaky gut in its more severe form. Here’s an overview of how methylation and leaky gut are connected.
Methylation is the process by which our body uses B vitamins to make energy, neurotransmitters, and healthy cells. It also plays a role in detoxification and cell protection. If inflammation and toxins from overgrowing bacteria are present in the gut, they become a block to healthy methylation.
Inflammation from leaky gut and overgrowing bacteria doesn’t just stay in your gut. Once inflammation is triggered, it can send inflammatory signals throughout your body, leading to muscle and joint pain, as well as headaches, migraines, anxiety, and low mood.
Additionally, impaired digestion of food leads to nutrient deficiencies. Deficiencies in iron, B vitamins, and magnesium are especially known to be related to pain and fatigue disorders, including chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, and migraines.
Yes, you can take supplements to support the nutrients that are depleted, but if your body is unable to absorb them well, you will get less benefit, than you had hoped. Digestive enzymes, along with some other supplements like; glutamine, isoquercitin and herbs such as deglycyrrhizinated licorice/DGL, can help heal leaky gut, and reduce inflammation.
Just about every health condition under the sun, is affected by digestion, whether good, or poor functioning. There are eight specific health areas that respond positively when the patient takes digestive enzymes.
1) Stress (emotional, mental, or physical)
2) Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), bloating, gas, constipation, and/or diarrhea
3) Leaky gut, food sensitivities
4) Chronic fatigue, pain, fibromyalgia, migraines
5) Anxiety, low mood, sleep issues, memory changes, brain fog
6) Autoimmunity
7) MTHFR and methylation issues
8) PMS, abnormal pap, and/or fertility issues
Making sure you have good gut health is important, even if you don’t have digestive symptoms. When gut health becomes impaired, it usually means your body isn’t digesting food properly or fully. Improper digestion can create a chain-reaction of imbalances in the body, which can create or exacerbate many seemingly unrelated health issues.