Well think about it…it starts around Halloween…and ends around Valentines Day…
SO what is the common thread???
Hmmm…ah…oh yes, of course – – – SUGAR!!!!
But let’s also consider increased stress, less sleep, more travel and just plain overindulgence….
The flu season doesn’t require a shot, so much as balance in your life and diet. The moment sugar gets into your blood stream, it starts wiping out your white blood cells, aka your immune system. This occurs in 5-10 minutes. So if you are burning the candle at both ends during the holidays….and eating all those extra goodies, you are more likely to catch the flu. It’s as simple as that!
So what can you do???
Getting the shot is more of a placebo than anything else. Each year the pharmaceutical companies have to make a “guess” as to which of the many strains of flu most of us in the USA are going to be exposed to. Whatever the current vaccine is, it only covers the most common strain for that year.
In my opinion, the best protection is to keep things in moderation… Get plenty of rest, avoid sugar, and try not to let yourself get too stressed out.
I’m sure it won’t surprise anyone to hear that your diet has an enormous effect on your total health and how you feel. So I highly suggest getting your hands on a copy of the book, Eating Right 4 Your Type, also known as “the blood type diet,” as we are not all the same, and people with different blood types require a different mix of foods and supplements for optimum health. This book will give you a good head start on knowing what your specific needs are.
So when you hear the phrase, ”you are what you eat” – – take it to heart! It may just make the difference between sailing through the “flu season” without a sniffle, or being one of its annual long-suffering targets.

Don’t just let sleeping dogs lie – take charge of your health!