Posted on January 9, 2016
A unique system of allergy/sensitivity identification and desensitization for allergies and asthma called the Natural Elimination of Allergy Technique (NEAT). This therapy is a safe, non-invasive, affordable, and highly effective technique to help you get past those nagging allergies for good. Best of all, there are no shots!
Screening sessions usually last 30 minutes to an hour, depending on the number of potential allergens detected by using EDS (electrical dermal screening). EDS uses a computer program and instrumentation to collect information about the functional and energetic status of the patient. This process is non-invasive and highly accurate in identifying the various causes of imbalance in the body. A drop in current flow indicates resistance to electrical conductance to that substance and identifies potential allergies to then create energetic remedies to desensitize the patient’s allergic response.
Benefits of the NEAT approach to Allergy Elimination
Accurately identifies and successfully eliminates allergies
Personalized and comprehensive care
Holistic, safe, and effective
Quick-relief and long-lasting results
Integrates perfectly with naturopathic health care
Results from the NEAT approach
Patients often report improvement within 24 hours and have shown consistent improvement over time.
In a clinical study measuring the effect of NEAT and its benefit for patients suffering from allergies, 87% of patients rated their outcome as good or great, and many patients continued to report benefits 2-3 years later.
The effectiveness of the NEAT system is enhanced by comprehensive naturopathic care.
To read more about the research on Allergies Screening: Alternative Medicine Review: EDS and Allergy Elimination. In this clinical study measuring the effect of EDS and allergies, 87% of patients rated their outcome as good or great. More information